Too late, Suzy is SOLD! 🙂 Hi there! Have you ever dreamed of ultimate freedom? The #livingthelife #homeiswhereweparkit #roamingtheworld kind of stuff? Well, so did we! Sarah and I started our Global Honeymoon November 8th 2016 in Uruguay. We crossed Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Hondoras & El Salvador, […]
our 1992 Land Cruiser
Meet Suzy, our 1992 Toyota Land Cruiser HDJ80 overlanding hero

We bought Suzy from a Frenchman in February 2016, and prepped her for our overlanding adventure that’d start in November 2017. The first time Sarah and I actually got to drive it together, was to arrive at our wedding ceremony 😀 But before getting there, our Suzy needed some specific modifications for overlanding the America’s. […]